Ideation & Business Model


A Start-up in the age group of 1–3 years, with revenue source, and defined customer base.

Qualifying and disqualifying a prospect, Sales and marketing strategy Marketing Support
Collaborating with competition & networking to grow their business
Help to Pivot quickly from a bad product, a bad hire or a bad customer
Pricing and Cost issue resolution
Defining their ideal client profile for Focus
Up-skilling and Certification Programs from eminent institutions of India
Ways to thrive on limited resources
Awareness and improvements to team understanding of Consumer Behavior, Customer delight (Unfriendly product, Difficult to buy)
Defining and preparing structure, processes and policy framework
Open communication with team, Team-work, Delegation, Trust Team Building (Skill development)
Product validation from Target segment users

PWG ProdigyTM

A Start-up in the age group of 0 – 1 year, with no identified revenue source.

Team skill development and Certification program
Guidance and support on company registration and Basic legal advice
Support in Ideation to Revenue generation
Student Handbook and Learning Outcome tracker
Meet-up and Competitions to build skills and confidence
Awareness about key functions, Sales, Marketing, Finance, operations, CRM, IT, HR, and strategy
Go-to-market support and Visibility on platform
9 key components of Business Model Canvas
Awareness, Assessment, Development, mentoring, and Enablement
Access to (Silver Plan)
Boot-strapping, Working capital management, MVP, Pilot testimonials, Fund raising awareness and exposure to potential investors
Sample Product/Service testing with target customers, Feedback, and corrective changes