Industry Professionals to Student Mentoring

Mentoring is a relationship in which the more experienced individual supports the development of a less experienced individual by being an advisor and guide. Mentoring can be done in the following three ways:

  • Mentoring: From Student
  • Mentoring: From an Industry Professional
  • Mentoring: From an Industry Leader


An industry professional may mentor a student on areas of personal and professional development like, knowledge related to an industry, functional expertise, a habit, behavioural change and skills. These would be the areas of expertise for the mentor which the mentee wishes to learn.

The professionals can guide students on the merits and demerits of a particular profession, relevant skills to sustain and succeed in that profession, and get industry insight and trends while preparing their credentials as students.

We at Prowisdom Growth, believe that a professional working in an industry can be a great mentor to students who wishes to develop their career in that profession. They can complement each other with exchange of thoughts and skill development.


Difference between Mentoring and Coaching

Mentoring Coaching
Mentor focuses on the development of an individual. It is driven by development. Coach focuses on the performance of the individual.It is driven by performance.
Mentoring is a relationship in which the mentor works towards success of the mentee’s professional and personal life. Coaching is a task in which the coach focuses on developing the identified skills of the coachee.
Mentoring aims towards building informal relationship for career development. Coaching aims at building formal relationship to accomplish a particular task.
Mentoring is long-term relationship as the mentee’s overall growth and development is involved. Coaching is short-term as it has a specific agenda of honing the coachee’s skills.
Mentoring is structured which involves a strategic purpose and requires a design phase. Coaching can be done on any specific area and does not require strategic purpose or design.
Mentoring is an on-going relationship. Coaching is for a specific task and fixed duration.
Mentoring takes a broader view of the person. Coaching focuses on specific development areas.
Mentee sets the agenda with mentor’s guidance to achieve goals. Coach sets the agenda to achieve specific, immediate goals.
Mentoring aims at imbibing positive beliefs and value systems in mentee. Coaching aims at improving a particular skill or behavioural aspect of the coachee.